Hope and Forgiveness
Dr. Mary M. Simms
Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

It is the beginning of a new year, an opportunity for a do over. I do not play golf, but there is a term that
I learned years ago in golf called a “mulligan” which means you can take the shot over. I like that
concept. God is like that. He allows us to do things repeatedly until we get things right. God’s character
reflects His desire to provide us with mercy and grace. His grace is never ending and if we ask Him, He
always forgives us, wipes our slates clean, and having a clean blank canvas, we are free to move freely
and forward again. The idea of a second chance gives us hope. The word Hope means clinging to
possibilities. The possibility of joy again, heath, financial success, a healthy relationship, healed
marriage, all come to mind.
Here are a few principles to help you move freely and forward again.
- Grab onto hope’s possibilities. Do not allow your past to define who you are today. Use past
regrets and failures as a springboard to learn from them but not to stay stuck because of them. - Develop a plan and aim high. Write down some of your goals, both personal and professional.
Check in with them quarterly to see where you are and the progress you are making. Be flexible
and change with the season or the time. Be realistic and practical in setting goals. - Combine both your faith and your work to accomplish your goals. The idea here is that God
wants all our plans to succeed but we must cooperate with Him to make it happen!
But someone will say, “one person has faith another has actions.” My answer is, “Show me how
anyone can have faith without actions. I will show you my faith by my actions.” Good News
Version James 2:18