
We were celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary at the beach and my husband wanted to go for a walk on the sand down by the water. I was having a bah hum bug moment and really wanted to walk on the concrete near the water but not on the sand. I decided to go along with his request and made the decision that I would enjoy myself. What an amazing time we had! We saw so many birds including Sandpipers, Seagulls, and Pelicans. Then an amazing surprise! From the shore we could see the fin of an animal in the water. Was it a shark? Then, suddenly, a dolphin appeared out of the water doing acrobatic feats that one only hopes to see if you are out on a boat in the ocean or at a paid amusement park like Sea World, not from the shore! The birds and the dolphins were having fun just doing what they were created to do. It dawned on me that they were not carrying any burdens, but just enjoying the beautiful big blue ocean that God created.
At that moment, God reminded me that like the dolphin, we are not meant to carry heavy burdens either. He provides for them, so He will provide for us. Just watching the playfulness of that dolphin enjoying himself in the water inspired me to put off those things that can entangle us and weight us down. Let us practice having less bah hum bug moments and run this life race with joy, vibrancy and a strong faith in a living and loving God who provides for and takes care of us.
Matthew 5:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly
Father; feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?